When we are mindful we are paying regular, calm attention to the present moment. This taster workshop via Zoom will help you to understand more about Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and give an opportunity to practice a number of different mindfulness meditations, using a focus on paintings to help with this process.
“More energy and enthusiasm. A greater capacity for relaxation and calmness. Enhanced self-confidence. Increased ability to handle stressful situations. More focus. More self-awareness. Greater sensitivity to others.”
Just £10, payable in advance.
How to book
Call Nicola on 07714 451401 or email nicola@everydaymindfulnesswithnicolasmith.com. Spaces are limited to 20, so book early to avoid disappointment.
About the tutor
Nicola is an experienced healthcare practitioner - a British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)-accredited Cognitive Behavioural (CBT) Therapist with 18 years’ experience working in hospital, private clinic and university settings. She studied for her postgraduate qualifications in CBT at King’s College, London at the Institute of Psychiatry.
She is also a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teacher, having done her training with the University of Bangor's 'Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice,' which is one of the UK's leading centres for training mindfulness teachers. She has taught mindfulness both individually and in groups to university students and staff, school staff and the general public, and is very enthusiastic about sharing the benefits of mindfulness through her courses, especially when combined with the power of art!